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The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Marissa Shockley

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer

Marissa Shockley is a sophomore at McIntosh High School. Her hobbies are photography, writing, and editing photos and videos. Extracurriculars that she is involved in consist of the French Club and the school’s tennis team. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with close friends and family and dominating at Super Mario Bros. This year, Marissa is looking forward to improving her writing, spending time with the friends, and getting to know the other writers on The McIntosh Trail’s staff. 

All content by Marissa Shockley
Senior Abigail Hooper and her freshman sister Livy Hooper at Due Loft at the South

Girls Tennis Team Meets for Tennis Banquet

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer May 21, 2019

The tennis season has officially ended and the girls’ McIntosh Tennis Team met at Due South for their annual end of the year banquet to celebrate the end of the season. The seniors that have been on...

Foreign Language Department Celebrates Foreign Language Week

Foreign Language Department Celebrates Foreign Language Week

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer May 21, 2019

The foreign language classes of McIntosh, such as French, Spanish, German, and Latin, held their annual celebration of foreign language week during the final few days of the last week of February and the...

Shaky Knees was accompanied by brief rain showers.

McIntosh Students Attend Shaky Knees Music Festival

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer May 9, 2019

The annual Shaky Knees music festival was held May 3-5 in Downtown Atlanta. The three day music festival took place over the first weekend of May and was welcomed with mostly sunny weather and only showers...

Senior Charlotte Moore visits the construction site one last time before graduation.

Senior Legacy: Charlotte Moore

Katrina Skonberg, Opinions Editor May 6, 2019

Senior Charlotte Moore visits the construction site one last time before graduation.

Senior Kamryn Torr, Editor in Chief, poses in her Kennesaw State shirt.

Senior Legacy: Kamryn Torr

Samantha Cornett, Editor in Chief May 7, 2019

Senior Kamryn Torr, Editor in Chief, poses in her Kennesaw State shirt.

Senior Alissa Dannehl displays her contribution to the school newspaper: The Flushington Post.

Senior Legacy: Alissa Dannehl

Arden Estep, Opinions Editor May 21, 2019

Senior Alissa Dannehl displays her contribution to the school newspaper: The Flushington Post.

Senior Cailey Hardman poses in the courtyard while wearing her senior shirt.

Senior Legacy- Cailey Hardman

Arden Estep, Opinions Editor May 21, 2019

Senior Cailey Hardman poses in the courtyard while wearing her senior shirt.

Tennis Tryouts

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer Feb 2, 2019

The Spring Sports season has begun and students at McIntosh are working to prepare for tryouts. Both girls and boys tennis teams started their seasonal tryouts the last week of January. They were held...

How to Survive Thanksgiving: A High School Perspective

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer Nov 16, 2018

As the holidays approach, many people are in merry spirits as they anticipate the food, company, and celebrations in store. However, one thing that is commonly overlooked during the holidays is the stress...

With the new addition of 1:1 technology, McIntosh is no longer a BYOT school. This means teachers and administration are enforcing the "no phones" rule more strictly this year.

Students Adjusting To New One-On-One Technology Enforcement

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer Oct 12, 2018

Two months into the school year and the McIntosh student body has seen various new policies carried out. Aside from the typical rules McIntosh enforces such as the dress code, closed campus, and no academic...


Marissa Shockley, Staff writer Oct 8, 2018

Early into the 20180-2019 school year, the McIntosh student body has seen various new policies carried out. Aside from the typical rules McIntosh enforces such as the dress code, closed campus, and no...

Sophomore Brianna Perez plays the marimba.

Marching Band Competes in First Competition of the Season

Marissa Shockley, Staff writer Sep 21, 2018

Only six weeks into the new semester and McIntosh teams have already been taking home dubs left and right. While most students are focusing on the JV and Varsity football teams, students and staff sometimes...

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