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The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Camilla O'Connell

Camilla O’Connell, Photo Editor

Camilla O’Connell is a senior at McIntosh. This is her first year on the Trail, though she is a four year editor of the Legend Yearbook and is their Photo Editor for the 2025 book. 

O’Connell spent a week of her summer as a National Youth Correspondent representing Georgia at the Washington Journalism and Media Conference, in Washington DC, where she met many working journalists and learned how to write in Smart Brevity. 

O’Connell has won three All-Georgia awards for her storytelling and photography, one superior award in portrait photography and was the first place winner for the Georgia Scholastic Press Association’s 2023 on the spot photo contest. She has also won the Laws of Life essay contest twice. Her work has been published in local news sites.

Fun fact she fought the Citizen and won because they used one of her photos without her permission or giving her credit. She has photographed every home football game in her high school career. 

Outside of journalism O’Connell is the President of the Knitting and Crochet club, is in Beta club, Key club, We the People, Chorus, Advanced Drama, the English National Honors Society and the National Honor Society. 

When she’s not doing something on campus she can be found at the pool as a head lifeguard, on the rink playing hockey, making content for Joestens as one of their Ambassadors or hanging out with friends. 

“Though I love photography, my favorite part of journaling is getting to interview and hear people’s stories and being a microphone to share them.”

All content by Camilla O’Connell
Holding the bubble straws Conner Johnson (12) participates with his lab group the bubble lab on Sept. 17. “The whole lab basically talked about how membranes are very flexible and fluid, and how, even inside the cell can be flexible and can move around a bit and not break,” Izabella Herrera (12) his lab partner said.

Trail wrapped

Camilla O’Connell, Photo Editor Jan 29, 2025


Photo of the Kedron competitive pool under its bubble for insulation during the winter

Dangerous levels of toxic chemicals reported to be detected in Kedron pools

Jan 24, 2025

Photo of the Kedron competitive pool under its bubble for insulation during the winter

Helping to set up the snack cart Brian Lin (10) takes inventory, sets up the display and restocks snacks. Photo by Camilia O'Connell.

FBLA Snack Shack provides students opportunity to be business owners

Dec 16, 2024

Helping to set up the snack cart Brian Lin (10) takes inventory, sets up the display and restocks snacks. Photo by Camilia O'Connell.

Anne Boleyn played by Yui Otsuga (12) praying to god, before her execution, while her executioner, Karina Nirenberg (12) wait behind her.

Livin’ like “Queens”

Camilla O’Connell, Photo Editor Nov 20, 2024

On Tues., Oct. 2, students in Andrew Clink's AP Psychology classes participated in the "Sensory Fair" in the courtyard.  Testing their vestibular system, seniors Naomi Simeon, blank and Khilah Peavy close their eyes and try to point to where the program says.

A new “sense”ation

Camilla O’Connell, Photo Editor Oct 4, 2024

Lake Peachtree flooded part of golf cart path on Friday, Sept. 27 afternoon after Hurricane Helene

Deaths, damages, devastation: Hurricane Helene

On Thurs., Sept. 26, Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida and passed through Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. Fayette County Schools and surrounding areas were closed ahead of potential weather concerns.    Peachtree...

Senior Gavin Smalley elaborating on his prospective at the We the People meeting on Aug. 29.

We the People’s new boom

Camilla O’Connell, Photo Editor Sep 16, 2024

Boom or Doom, Brat summer posters and “apples rotten to the core dances” are just some ways We the People, the current events club, have rebranded. Leading the rebrand are Co-Presidents Tabitha Htoka...

Boys varsity lacrosse player dodges his teammates stick while in practice.

Loving the lacrosse life

Rebekah Bushmire, Editor-in-Chief Mar 6, 2024

McIntosh boys lacrosse players practice for their upcoming varsity game.

Mason Green flips onto the field during a home football game, moments before entering the game.

Best of Trail Photography 2023-2024

Rebekah Bushmire, Editor-in-Chief Feb 12, 2024

Mason Green flips onto the field during a home football game, moments before entering the game.

Uche Iloh in the outskirts of the football team huddle with the winning Fight For 54 street sign given to the winners.

“But they’re almost there”

Asa Boddie, Staff Oct 18, 2023

Uche Iloh in the outskirts of the football team huddle with the winning Fight For 54 street sign given to the winners.

The confusion surrounding the Sept. 8 theme night led to a student section covering their bases of a mix of white and neon colors.

“Big Controversy”

Grace Lovejoy, Editor-in-Chief Sep 14, 2023

Students used desks to barricade the doors during the active lockdown.

MHS called to action during Dec. 2 false code red

Rebekah Bushmire, Editor-in-Chief, Grace Lovejoy, Staff, and Ava Flores, Staff Dec 12, 2022

Students used desks to barricade the doors during the active lockdown.

Junior London Whilby as Cleopatra in the Spirit of McIntosh's "Perfect Storm."

Do we stay or do we go?

Savannah Hayes, News Editor Oct 21, 2022

Senior Cavan Wilcox is the Drum Major for the Spirit of McIntosh.

Photo of Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band getting in the mind set for their first competition Saturday Oct. 8 at Carrollton High School.

Competition… or Homecoming Dance?

Savannah Hayes, News Editor Oct 14, 2022

Photo of Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band getting in the mind set for their first competition Saturday Oct. 8 at Carrollton High School.

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