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The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

The Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Rafael Perez

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer

Rafael Perez, 17,  is an aspiring writer who enjoys fighting crime and collecting chia pets. Born and raised in the slums of Melbourne, Australia, Rafael’s exposure to urban growth has inspired him to become the 2011’s World’s Most Well-Rounded and Handsome Man.

All content by Rafael Perez

MITC students support a drug free environment

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer Nov 2, 2012

This week, Coach Yarborough's Entrepreneur class supported Red Ribbon Week. They created slideshows, commercials, and posters to support an anti-drug use school.

TV Show “Breaking” ratings… I mean, Bad

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer Oct 27, 2012

Netflix always hooks me up with the best TV shows. Like How I Met Your Mother, I discovered a new favorite. Breaking Bad. Before watching Breaking Bad, it seemed like a ridiculous concept. A chemistry...

How I met my favorite sitcom

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer Oct 13, 2012

Last year while shut in for Winter Break, I rediscovered my love for Netflix. Seeing the brand new titles recently added, I came across a show called “How I Met Your Mother.” Bored, I decided to...

Chiefs defeat Alexander at home.

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer Sep 12, 2012

Ms. Katie Turner

Ms. Katie Turner

Rafael Perez, Staff Writer Aug 28, 2012

Ms. Katie Turner, a FCHS graduate, returns to Fayette County as a special education math teacher at McIntosh. A recent GCSU graduate, Ms. Turner said that she was drawn to McIntosh because of its  academic...

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