Rebekah Bushmire, Editor-in-Chief

“The Trail is crucial to holding our school accountable, students informed and the community aware of what goes on in our schools. It doesn’t matter what form we are in, print or online, we are arguably the most important program on campus. We cover a range of topics from outstanding students to holding our school system’s accountable for the decisions they make. No one else on campus has more of a voice than we do and we will be heard. I see the Trail as the powerhouse of the school. The media is often referred to as the “Fourth Estate” because we hold the check and balances for the other forms of powers, for us that would be teachers, administration and our school board.
If we lost our program, our school would lose so much talent and awards. Our program and its staff are award winning and they would lose so much of our talents. McIntosh needs a staff like us to disseminate information to the school as well as make a difference. Our outreach is beyond the school into the community and the parents need us to remain aware of what their children’s school is really like. We are the Trail and we will not be leaving. We are here to stay and here to raise our voices.”
Lulu Vitulo, Managing Editor
“Like every student publication, we serve the community in reporting and sharing the opinions of and information relating to McIntosh’s student body. By being student-led, having student staffers that go through the same experiences and feel, think the same thoughts that our audience has, the Trail has a unique ability as a news organization for our specific, local community. Our staffers are in the band, in clubs; they see what’s going on in our classes and at our school. Without us, the lens through which news would come out would be completely different.”
Savannah Hayes, News Editor

“The Trail is very important in spreading important information to students, teachers and parents. The theme for newspaper week involves ‘you’ as readers. Our publication writes true, informative news for our readers to know not only about McIntosh, but also about the community county-wise, state-wise and nationally. If the Trail were to cease to exist, McIntosh would lose a vital source of information, would end up suffering in the long run as MHS really needs our publication as an informational source.”
Grace Lovejoy, Features Editor

“McIntosh needs the Trail because we give students, parents and teachers information they need to know. Such as PSAT rooms, Homecoming dates, Sports schedules etc. If the Trail goes away, McIntosh loses its main form of news and communications that keeps our school running. The Trail writes about news that isn’t only important to McIntosh but important to the community such as breaking news like the WalMart or Heirloom bakery fires, Code Reds or capital improvements.”
Adwa Umoya, Social Media Editor
We are skilled with providing quick news updates about McIntosh and Peachtree City news. The Trail constantly engages with our followers by doing polls on our Instagram stories, encouraging comments on posts and linking our website in all social platform bios. Parents, students, and Peachtree City residents check our Instagram in cases of emergency and the need for information.