Vaccine Opinions: Students and Their Families


This Image was created by Savannah Hayes using Canva.

Savannah Hayes, News Editor

COVID-19 affects students of McIntosh High school in many different ways, whether through family and their point of view on what is happening or the health risks that can affect older family members. More concerns are being locked up and not being able to do the things you used to be able to do, feeling a sense of loneliness and even straight up just getting the sickness itself and being quarantined. Many students feel like COVID-19 vaccine options have affected their family relations. Students can feel distracted by their at home conflicts and making it harder for them to focus on school work and other extracurricular activities.

“I decided that I should not bring up my opinion on the vaccine in front of my family because most of the time it turns into arguments,” sophomore Macy Collins said.
When asked about how his family is dealing with different opinions on getting the vaccine junior Cavan Wilcox said

“Hostile environment resulting in yelling and slamming doors,”.
Wilcox’s family also seems to argue on the subject matter, as to how he portrays it as a very stressful situation when the object is mentioned. Students like Collins and Wilcox have felt that they cannot talk about their outlook at home because they do not want to start a dispute due to their conflicting opinions with their parents.
Students have noticed that their family not only does not agree with them but also does not agree with one another.

“My family is very 50/50,” said Kinsey Chasten, a sophomore at MHS, “it has changed the way I think of them.”
These different viewpoints have made students wonder about the sturdiness of their families. This could not only affect their mental state, but also their educational performance in class. Thinking of distractions from family during school work can make it hard to focus on many aspects of school, such as tests, quizzes, or exams. Which can all be important to students and their futures.

Not only have conflicting beliefs affected all of these items, but they have also affected little kids’ standpoint, and their freedom to choose for themselves.
Sophomore Samie Hinkle said “My mom doesn’t believe in the vaccine at all and is still convinced that it came from China to rig the 2020 election. She only got it to travel and that has influenced my younger sisters to feel the same way.”
Students are concerned about others’ outlook rubbing off on younger kids, making them believe that other students do not believe based on what they feel is right. Just what their parents lead them to believe. The District of Columbia has a law as of july 2021 in place that allows minors eleven years of age and up, the ability to get a vaccine without parental consent.
According to an instagram poll that has been put on the @mhstrail instagram sixty-six percent of poll takers are in favor of this D.C. law; however, thirty -four percent of poll takers are not in favor of this law.
Knowing that it is tough to deal with all of these various decisions, but also knowing that many others have a family variance in judgment and are dealing with conflicting positions. However, all of these students’ worries, facts, and opinions are very valid. No matter what your beliefs are you can agree that this big topic has affected everyone, whether you are a kid, adult, or a McIntosh student.
Though many students are having trouble with their parents, others have similar opinions though their parents would allow them to make their own decisions. Like in the case of Mr.Kienast a world history teacher at McIntosh High School and his son and how they have a different relationship.They have similar opinions; nonetheless, Kienast would still allow his child to make his own decisions, though said child is 15 years old.
Mr. Kienast, a world history teacher at McIntosh High School said, “My son is (you know) almost 15 years old and he’s getting closer to adulthood and he should be able to make those decisions for himself.”