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  • May 24The Trail has gone on hiatus for summer break and will return coverage at the end of July
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McIntosh Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

Don't Miss a Minute of McIntosh.

McIntosh Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School

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Your donation supports the student journalists of McIntosh High School. Your contribution will allow us to purchase photography equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs.

Saying goodbye to seniors: class of 2024 senior drum out

For more coverage of the drumout, including exclusive drone footage, visit the MHS Photography site.

Donate to McIntosh Trail - The Student News Site of McIntosh High School
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Your donation supports the student journalists of McIntosh High School. Your contribution will allow us to purchase photography equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs.

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About the Contributor
Anthony Capobianco
Anthony Capobianco is a rookie to journalism but not to writing. Capobianco has written an entire novel that he’s planning to publish, two movies he hopes to finish in the future and is working on a new book with one of his best friends. Although he specializes in fiction, don’t doubt his nonfiction capabilities. Capobianco wants to pursue a career in writing and directing films. As mentioned, he has already written two. One was based on a book and one was made up from himself. Capobianco’s favorite hobbies are reading and writing. His favorite books are “One of Us Is Lying” and “Truly Devious.” His favorite genres are horror, realistic fiction, mystery and biographies. Capobianco wanted to do Journalism because he wanted to try out different writing and he thought it was very interesting. He thinks that writing based on people’s speech and just news all around is extremely needed because people have voices and need to be heard. Capobianco plans to utilize his experience in writing for journalism.
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