Competition… or Homecoming Dance?

The Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band has a competition Saturday Oct. 15 the same day as the Homecoming Dance

Camilla O’Connell

Photo of Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band getting in the mind set for their first competition Saturday Oct. 8 at Carrollton High School.

Savannah Hayes, News Editor

On the day of the Homecoming Dance, Saturday, Oct. 15, the Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band will have a competition at Haralson High School Tallapoosa, GA, about a ninety-minute drive from MHS. This creates a conflict for marching band members that want to attend the dance. Marching competition season takes place in October, so it is normal for marching bands all around the United States to have their homecoming dances and competitions on the same day.

“I’m planning on leaving the competition and going to homecoming because it’s an important high school experience and something fun to do with all my friends,” Lana Mayes (11) said.

Director of Bands Barbara Baker, combated this conflict by creating a competition schedule that would allow marching band students to attend both the competition and the dance later that night. The schedule includes a quick rehearsal early in the morning, with the band departing from McIntosh soon after and they will have their performance at one in the afternoon.

“I am going to the homecoming dance because I think it will be a fun thing to experience,” freshman Chelby Gambrel said.

Finally, students have the option to stay at the competition, leave on a bus heading back to McIntosh or leave with a parent. This is compared to normal competitions when students perform later in the afternoon and stay at the competition for other band’s performances and awards.

“I plan on going to the homecoming dance because I don’t want to miss those memories made. I was first upset that the competition was on the same day as the dance, but it will be good to perform and then get to go home for the dance,” sophomore Ava Cook said.

“I am not staying at the competition. I was upset at first but I have come to realize that it just is what it is. I do not think the dance will change the way I perform because I will be hyper-focused on performance,” Drum Major Cavan Wilcox (12) said.

“I plan on coming home from the competition because all my friends are going. I am a little upset. I think that the dance was originally scheduled for a different weekend but was moved. That in itself made me angry but the anger’s faded since then,” tuba section leader and junior Thomas Wagoner said.

Despite the conflict, some band students aren’t worried about it.

“I wouldn’t say upset so much as annoyed. It makes getting ready difficult and the day much longer but either way I get to spend time with my friends and have fun,” Mayes said.

“I don’t think the dance will interfere with my performance just because the dance is later that night and I’m not thinking about the dance until after the competition, but the competition, but the competition may affect the dance for me because competitions are draining,” Cook said.

Others are not sure how they’ll manage both.

“It depends on how I’m feeling and if I’m able to get over to that side of town fast enough, because I live very far away,” after being asked if he will do anything before the dance Wagoner said.

“I will take pictures and I might go out and eat with friends if I still have time. If not then I will just go and get something by myself real quick before the dance,” Gambrel said.

McIntosh senior and mellophone section leader Miles Desgain said, “I’m not upset about the dance being on that day only because I wasn’t planning on going anyway. I’m more upset that homecoming is happening so late this year.”