Everyone at McIntosh Marked Absent


Selfie taken by Ali Ermolaev to prove to her mother that she was still at school. Pictured are Ali and her 6th period English teacher Shanon Woolf. Graphic added by Savannah Hayes with Canva.

Savannah Hayes, News Editor

Editor’s note: The Trail has updated this story to reflect how the incident took place.

As of sixth period on Oct. 27, 2021, around 10 minutes into class, all McIntosh students were marked absent. Many students noticed this, and so did their parents.

“[M]y mom texted me and was like, ‘why are you and your sister marked absent?’ [S]he said it in kind of a suspicious tone as if we were skipping school together or something, so I had to send her photo evidence and pictures like ‘I’m at school, I swear,” sophomore Ali Ermolaev said.

MHS principal Maggie Walls explained how the attendance error took place.

“[T]here’s a button in Infinite Campus when they run the attendance report. And as the person who was running the attendance report, we run it every period, and so we have to run it every 10 minutes after the period starts. We kind of run that attendance report, and there’s two different ways to run it and the way they ran it yesterday was to automatically mark everybody absent.” 

The error was corrected within minutes. 





This incident was not fixed until around 2:30 p.m. the same day. Though it was a short error it still had an effect on many MHS students.