Throughout the school year, the Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO), has been responsible for organizing efforts to raise money that will go toward the improvement of the McIntosh courtyard.
Last year, the PTSO was able to help fund school supplies and the school website. This year, the PTSO has a goal of raising enough money to buy and install new “shade sails” for the courtyard. The target amount for the shade sails is $25,000. Shannon Silvester is the president of the organization, and the main organizer for PTSO events.
“We started [planning for the sails at] the end of last year, and we really pushed it at the beginning of this year,” Silvester said.
Since August, these plans have been set in motion. Donations for the shade drive are being tracked using posters placed around the school. The PTSO is also working to host events that will raise funds for the shade drive.

“The biggest thing we’ve got on our plate right now that has to do with our shade drive is the Swinging Medallions benefit concert,” Silvester said.
The concert will be an event hosted April 12, 2024 at the Ville Amphitheater in Fayetteville.
“This is our big push this year,” Silvester said.
The PTSO works mostly behind the scenes organizing events and fundraisers, including the Valentine’s Day candy grams that were sold earlier this month.
“We have committee chair people that actually spend a lot of hours volunteering,” said Angie Kiesling, the PTSO co-president.
Some students may not be fully aware of the efforts going into the courtyard and the improvement of McIntosh.
“To try to get the word out as to what things are going to look like and how awesome it’s going to make the courtyard for you guys – it’s really rough. It’s hard to do,” Silvester said.
The concert at the Ville Amphitheater is one of the PTSO’s largest efforts made towards the fundraising for the shade sails.

“We’re getting some sponsors from the community that are excited about this as well, so as far as we can spread the word on this (the concert), bring your families, come with your friends,” Silvester said.
Concert attendance can give the PTSO enough money to buy and install the shade sails by August of next school year.
“Leftover money from things like candy grams, if it’s needed, will also go towards the shade structure. I’m hoping to get a lot of students [at the benefit concert and] a lot of families there,” Silvester said.
McIntosh, being forty-three years old, any amount of improvement is positive for maintaining the prestige of the school. One way or another, the PTSO is determined that funds will be raised for the shade sails.
“This is something to spread the word about at the moment because every bit of profit we make from this will go towards the shade structures, and if this works, then we will have enough to purchase them and install them over the summer,” Silvester said.