Do we stay or do we go?

Spirit of McIntosh members solved issue of competition and HoCo dance; had success at comp

Camilla O’Connell

Junior London Whilby as Cleopatra in the Spirit of McIntosh’s “Perfect Storm.”

Savannah Hayes, News Editor

On Saturday, Oct. 15, the Spirit of McIntosh Marching Band competed at Haralson High School Tallapoosa, GA. All sections of the marching band scored Superior, which includes the drum major, color guard, percussion and overall band. The band scored First Class for each section and percussion scored Third in its division.
There was a conflict on that date, where the competition conflicted with marching band members’ ability to attend the Homecoming dance without having to leave the competition early. Colorguard Captain London Whilby (11) was one of the Spirit members who did leave the competition early.

“I did end up going to the dance. I ended up going because the guy I wanted to go with asked me. We both had actually said we wanted to stay at [the] competition so I was surprised when he asked me. I think we all had a great time, but I knew I would either way, because whether I stayed at [the] competition or went to the dance I’d be with my favorite people,” Whilby said.

Other Spirit members did the same.

“I [went] to the dance because I asked someone to come with me, and I went with a large group of friends. I had tons of fun at the dance, enough to where I lost some of my voice,” senior Aaron Maeder said.

Junior Julia Varga, the flute section leader, also attended.

“I decided to go to the dance because all of my friends were going and they invited me. Although in the beginning the dance was pretty slow, later the DJ played music that everyone knew and it was fun to dance to them.” Varga said.
Feeling like they might miss out on a formative high school experience motivated others to leave the competition early to go to the Homecoming dance.
“I did end up going to the dance because if I didn’t I would regret it. I had a ton of fun! You have to go to the center [of the dance floor] in order to reach the fun level I would say but it was a good dance,“ sophomore Ava Cook said.

Some Spirit members did not get the chance to go to the dance even though they had planned to.

“I didn’t end up going to the dance. Dances are something I don’t enjoy and I didn’t want to spend the money on tickets. I went home and took a shower, did some schoolwork that was due the next day, then relaxed until it was time to get ready to go hang out with friends after the dance,” Thomas Wagoner MHS junior said.

Whilby is a featured soloist as she plays the part of Cleopatra in the band’s show, called “Perfect Storm,” which is the story of Cleopatra and Marc Antony, characters from Shakespeare’s play “Antony and Cleopatra.”

Whilby is pleased with the overall results from the Haralson competition.
“I think I did pretty well at competition. It can be a little nerve-racking since I spend so much time on the boat so I feel like if I mess up everyone will notice, but I think it was really good. It was definitely one of, if not, my best runs. I do think I could work on my facial expressions a little more though,” Whilby said.
It was only the second competition for Spirit so far this year, and not everyone felt as confident.
“I definitely had some mistakes that I will keep on working to get better, but I think the band overall did a very good job,” Varga said.
Maeder agreed.
“Personally at the competition I did okay, but the band as a whole did very good. I forgot some visuals and lost count in a couple of places,” he said.
The Spirit of McIntosh will compete for the final time this season on Oct. 29 at Rockdale County High school.