Senior Legacy: Nakia Harmon

Estrella Jones

Nakia Harmon, a senior and the Opinions Editor of the McIntosh Trail.

Estrella Jones, Staff Writer

How have you made McIntosh a better place, what was your contribution to the campus?
“I feel as though my contribution to the campus was over quarantine. There were rising seniors who are now college freshmen named Tyleese Rydow and Kennedy Malone, they began “Stay Conscious Media”, which was an Instagram platform that spoke on a lot of social issues. Issues that society was facing over quarantine. I did a zoom interview with them and wrote a feature article about them. I wanted the student body to be inspired by the work that they were doing for their community, the black community, and also give other members of the student body a chance to speak on issues that they feel very passionately about. So I feel like that’s one of my biggest contributions to the student body was just shining a light on those individuals.”
How have you made the Trail a better program, what was your contribution to the publication?
“I feel my biggest contribution to the Mcintosh trial publication would have to be Just my willingness to content to like the needs of my fellow staff members, like when I noticed that someone is feeling down or not feeling right, I tried to ask them what was going on or give them a boost of encouragement. I slacked them an encouraging message so that they’d feel like they’d been recognized. If they win something, I’ll congratulate them, and I’ll tell them that they need to stay on it. You know, just making them feel that they are heard and seen and not being overlooked.”
What college do you plan on attending?
“I plan on attending Georgia State University, and writing for their online newspaper.”
What will you be studying?
“I will be studying journalism, and I will be minoring in pre-law.”
If you have plans other than college, what are they?
“My plans other than college would definitely be traveling, and most definitely would be photography. I would really like to just travel and take photos. I love following photographers, on Instagram and ticktock. especially female photographers, and especially photographers of color or, just creatives in general. I like seeing that because I like seeing myself in that.”
What are some words of wisdom that you have for returning staffers or newcomers to the Trail?
“Don’t be afraid to branch out, don’t be afraid to tackle a topic or tackle a subject that you think maybe doesn’t seem doable or like you can reach out to that crowd of people. Make sure you take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way and make sure that you stay curious. Make sure you stay on your toes when it comes to things that you may hear are coming up soon, like events that are coming up that might be coming up soon. I’ve learned from some of the things I’ve covered like sporting events and feature stories that those interests that were just a topic or a subject may become your passion as well and you may learn something new about yourself at the same time.”