Students anticipate spring break


Jackson Fuentes

The blue sky and recent warmer weather indicate the close proximity of spring break

Jackson Fuentes, News Editor

We are now within two weeks of spring itself and within a month of spring break, a much awaited time of year for students across the country.  With warmer weather becoming more of a norm for the area, it’s easier for students to exercise in preparation for an annual trip to the beach.  Also, with exams on the horizon, spring break is a great opportunity for students to study and catch up on much-needed rest.

Junior Rachel Anders talked specifically about how she uses spring break to catch up. She said, “The work load gets really overwhelming at times, so it is really nice to be able to take a break from school and go somewhere different, like the beach or another country with your best friends.”

Students are ready for a brief hiatus so that they can come back ready for the end of the year.

Walking on Sunshine
Students put one foot in front of the other as they inch their way closer to spring break. Photo by Jackson Fuentes