Review: indie band “boygenius” debuts new songs
Indie band “boygenius” has released three songs in anticipation of their new album “the record”, set to be released in March.
The band has released three songs for album set to debut in March.
Jan 31, 2023
I have a deep love of alternative music, mostly fueled by the fact that there was nothing else to listen to as a kid who grew up with one radio station. I’ve followed bands that were either amazing, had no internet presence whatsoever or something that could possibly be shoved into the folk-country genre. But as such, I wanted to inform everyone that on Jan. 18, “boygenius,” an alternative indie formed by Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus, released a preview to their debut studio album “the record,” which will be released later on March 31. Three songs were released, and I have spent the last few days listening to them on repeat. Here, in my honest, completely-biased opinion, is a very good review of each song that “boygenius” put out.
I would pay 20 dollars to listen to this song again. No joke. With Baker’s lyrics and vocals, alongside an upbeat punk-ish feel, it’s yet another song that goes straight into the road trip playlist. With Phoebe Bridgers screaming into the mic at the end of the song and Lucy Dacus chiming in with background vocals, it’s a mind-melding blend of pure talent. “$20” is a song about self-destructive tendencies and fierce emotions, but sharing those tendencies and emotions with someone else, whether it’s a good thing or not. It’s a fast song, despite being only three-and-a-half minutes long, and it goes by so quickly, you’ll be missing it as soon as it’s over.
And in response to Baker: no, I don’t know how long the chevy’s been on cinder blocks, but yes, in another life we could have been arsonists.
“Emily I’m Sorry”
To be honest here, I’ve never been a fan of slow songs. It takes a lot to be that emotionally invested in a song, and I just don’t have that time, despite what evidence my Spotify might have to the contrary. However, with Emily I’m Sorry, it’s just different. The lyrics weave a tale of a relationship hanging on by tattered strings, with Bridgers quite literally pouring her heart out into the main vocals of the song. Baker and Dacus provide backup vocals, creating a bittersweet melody of voices, carrying the song to the end. I’ve never been so invested in a fictional relationship before. Will the singer apologize to Emily? Will they attend couples counseling? How does Emily feel about this? Will they ever figure out where the North Star is? Probably not, but who knows?
“True Blue”
Finally a song about a somewhat-healthy relationship. Dacus leads in this one, occasionally sharing vocals with Bridgers. The song feels like a long drive on a flat road, winding through ghost towns and empty houses and there isn’t a car ahead for miles. Dacus sings about a relationship that’s persevered through time, something that’s been through the harsh and cold and came out the other side as sweet as sunshine. It’s a song about the good and the bad, the dirty and the shiny, and all the nitty-gritty bits in between. As far as feel-good songs go, this one will feel like a sunny day.
Overall, “the record” is shaping up to be a big hit, as unrevealed songs like “Leonard Cohen” and “Letter to an Old Poet” are getting ready to be released in March. The three newly-released songs allow for Bridgers, Baker and Dacus to each shine within a song, whether it be from haunting vocals, lyrics about a soon-to-be lost love, or screaming their hearts out through a microphone. So for now, it’s these three songs on repeat on car rides until something else comes along.