Chorus performs annual holiday concert
McIntosh’s all men choir class performs annual song with alumni.
Dec 15, 2019
Chorus performs an annual holiday concert in December. This year it was held in the auditorium on Dec. 12.
Freshman Jackie Love performed in her first holiday concert with her sister, senior Morgan Love. “It was so fun to see all of our hard work from class pay off and spread Christmas cheer,” said Love.
For the seniors, it was their last opportunity to perform in the holiday concert.
“It was kind of sad considering it was our last concert of high school,” said senior Annisten Leone. “Other than that the holiday concert is always so pretty. It really means a lot to me because it is the last time I will sing with some of my closest friends at a chorus concert.”
Hannah Beth Lee has an annual song for two of the chorus classes. One for the advanced womens choir and one for the all men choir. During these traditional songs, she allows alumni from past years to join the choirs on stage to perform with them.
“This concert was one of my favorites,” said senior Jack Choat. “From singing with the alumni to performing a new song with Cantabile, it was certainly a memorable way to finish my choral career.”