Ask Edna No.4

Dear Edna,

Christmas is rapidly approaching and I would like to know how to go Black Friday shopping?

-Early Bird gets the discounted iPhone

Dear Early Bird,

Black Friday shopping is a very serious thing to consider. Are you willing to wake up super-early to go shopping? Wait in line for hours on end? Some people even camp out in front of a store. If this is what holiday season seems like should feel to you than I say go right ahead, and maybe even bring a few of your friends along. Shopping is better in crowds! (unless they also want that last item you do)


Dear Edna,

My grades have been rapidly dropping and there are only four more weeks in the semester!!!

-Hoping for a miracle


Dear Hoping,

Is this a statement or a question? And yes, a miracle is what you need, but you may have one last hope.  Although it is getting very late in the semester if you can ace all of your grades, turn in everything on time, and ask for extra credit you should be able to do it. Good Luck!