Ask Edna No. 3

Dear Edna,

How many pieces of candy can I eat without throwing up?


-I’m at 56 candy bars


Dear I’m at 56 candy bars,

I think you’ve had enough. But there is no such thing as too much candy! Although in your case it’s too late, so I say keep going!



Dear Edna,

What do I do with my Halloween costume after Halloween?


-I was Superman


Dear I was Superman,

Just wear your costume under your clothes for every day of the year. Next Halloween you can be like the real Superman and rip your clothes off in a telephone booth and you will already have your costume on!


Dear Edna,

What’s my favorite color?


-I love fish


Dear I love fish,

We don’t usually answer these sorts of questions but I am willing to tell you that your favorite color is salmon, no not pink. SALMON. Look it up.