Cheerleaders Come Out on Top in 1st Competition of the Season

Emma Bellatoni

The cheerleaders practice in the gym the night before their competition.

Jordyn Mobley, Editor in Chief/A&E Editor

The JV and Varsity cheerleaders kicked their season off with a very good start when both teams came in first place at their first competition. The cheerleaders worked extremely hard in the weeks before the competition to perfect their routine. Since the team has such a close bond, it made it easy for the team to work together and come out on top.

The cheerleaders started practicing in May. They practice every Monday through Thursday for two hours each day. The practices consist of many repetitions to try and perfect every skill that is used in the routine. The team runs the routine with full out tumbling and stunts at least twice, but sometimes more. As the competition got closer, practices started to get increasingly harder. “Practices get a little more intense as the season progresses,” said Coach Danielle Wolf. “The team works hard the entire season though.”

There were a plethora of emotions going into the competition and in the time spent waiting to see where the team placed. “Carrollton is our biggest competition this year, so it was nerve-racking to be competing against them at our first competition,” said senior Maylen Meszar. “Hearing that we won has helped put a drive in this team to continue to work hard so that we have this feeling at other competitions too.”

With the win at their first competition, expectations are higher than ever before. “My expectations are for everyone to give their full effort,” said sophomore Lexi Phillips. “I hope we can fix everything that we need to fix so we can get first place again.”