Deflate-gate prompts pre Super Bowl drama

Jackson Fuentes, News Editor

After allegations concerning the deflation of footballs belonging to the New England Patriots were confirmed on Tuesday, Jan. 20, Patriots acquired a heavy burden for their team.  While preparing for their Super Bowl XLIX meeting with the Seahawks, the New England Patriots are confronted with  allegations that quarterback Tom Brady and head coach Bill Belicheck had prior knowledge of this violation.  Brady said, “I don’t think anyone knew there was an issue with the balls.”  Meanwhile, the NFL is investigating the matter.

Sophomore, and Patriots fan, Brendan Dunlap said, “The minimum PSI is 12.5, which is what the Patriots asked the referees to fill the balls to; however, the referees can fill the balls up to their own discretion.  I think the hype over Deflate-Gate is absolutely pathetic.  Every time the Patriots win, something has to be scrutinized… the Patriots have been one of the most dominant teams since Brady came into the league and they’ve been accused of cheating without proof.”

Click here for a link that addresses the issue in a humorous way.