MHS Trail GSPA Winners

“The Game is My Practice.”
Sophomore Liam Banks runs down the field looking for a teammate to pass the ball as they reach the opposing goalie. Sports Photograph. Superior. (Jordyn Mobley)
“Empty Chair.” An empty chair at Class of 2020 graduation held in December. News Photograph. Superior. (Chris Tun)
MHS Trail Social Media Editor junior Chisom Ugbajah received a Superior in the Social Justice Reporting category for her story, “Kamala Harris: First Black Vice President.” (Jordyn Mobley)
“The Closet of a Raven.” In the Competition One Act “Very Still and Hard to See,” Meg Sheets as Obake bathes in the ultraviolet light of her dark underworld. Feature/Entertainment Photograph. All-Georgia. (Izzy Pullias )
Four MHS Trail staffers won awards at Georgia Scholastic Press Association’s Spring Awards. Senior Chris Tun and juniors Izzy Pullias and Jordyn Mobley won awards for their photography while junior Chisom Ugbajah won an award for her reporting on social justice. (Brennan Robinson)