Honestly, I’m so over walking to my next class and seeing couples… lets just say “canoodling.” I have walked past countless couples doing things like kissing, holding hands, holding one another’s arms, and putting their legs on one another.
If I’m being real, I don’t have a huge problem with hand holding. My problem is when students who are dating (or even aren’t dating) become a distraction to me and others when I only have a certain amount of time to get to my next class.
According to other students at McIntosh, I’m not the only one who feels this way.
“I walk down the halls and I see people cuddling and kissing…it’s just gross and not fun to look at,” Jonah Greenstein (9) said.
So, what is the most respectful way to express their relationships with one another during school?
Personally, I believe school is for education and education only.
However, if students feel the need to portray their relationships to others during school, hand holding is a respectful and not intruding or vulgar way to do so.
If this is the case, we need the school to advocate for respectful amounts of PDA in the hallway. But they can only do so much.
“They could talk to the students about appropriate public exposure of affection,” Greenstein said.
As much as I agree with this, it is only out of respect for others that you shouldn’t do certain things in public, let alone school.
So please, please stop publicly showing affection to your significant other in school and save it for your personal time when you aren’t somewhere that is solely for educational purposes.