Horror movies lack creative titles

Katie Milligan, Staff writer

Horror movies were first introduced in 1896 by the French film maker Georges Meleis. From 1896 until 2017 there have been about 90,1110 horror films made, and all of the good titles of scary movies have now been used up. For example, one of the most recent horror movies is titled”The Bye Bye Man,” an obviously idiotic title. However,  all the other intriguingly horrifying titles are already taken by the multitude of other movies. The problem will only lead to worse titles in the future, and the allure of horror movies may start to decrease.

The students at McIntosh High School are discouraged to go see horror movies with friends because of the uninteresting titles. Senior Kayla Hort said, “Horror movies have always interested me, but the recent names make the movie seem less interesting, and I don’t want to go anymore.”