Steve Irwin continues to inspire even in death



Steven Irwrin usual wearing of an outfit suited for wrestling with wildlife is just one example of his never-ending excitement for nature.

According to, Steve Irwin, the great crocodile hunter, said, “I have no fear of losing my life – if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.”

Many people viewed him as a total ´wacko´ (as the Aussie´s like to say). However, I think he was a true hero and a role model for many.

According to his website, The Crocodile Hunter, When Irwin was a young boy, he had great knowledge about nature. All he wanted to do was make his father, Bob Irwin, proud.  He helped his father with all his dad’s assignments in their small animal sanctuary and learned a great deal of information from him. He rescued his first crocodile when he was 9.

Irwin helped his parents expand their sanctuary by creating the world’s largest Wildlife Zoo and Sanctuary.

One thing that I admire about Irwin is that he believed that education should be about learning something that excites you. He believed that passion and enthusiasm are essential to learning.

Irwin made me excited with his passion and enthusiasm every time his show, “The Crocodile Hunter,” would come on.

Saving many animals and teaching people about nature was Steve Irwin’s job. He would spend his whole week planning shows and finding animals to film, doing anything to teach us about nature.

He was so passionate about his job that he died doing it. He is an inspiration to me, not only because he saved orphaned, badly hurt or endangered animals, but because he believed and fought for a big problem that the wild animals face– habitat destruction.

Irwin inspires me, and hopefully what he has done will also inspire MHS students to fight for the rights of animals and to follow their dreams.