As a part of the McIntosh orchestra, I am proud to say the recent concert that took place last Thursday, March 7, was a success.
The concert began with the Chamber Orchestra’s performance of songs, such as movements from the ‘Don Quixote Suite’ by Telemann and ‘Mantras’ by Richard Meyer. The Chamber Orchestra is made of two classes, the beginner and intermediate. While this group made some mistakes, the overall tone was fine, and the performance went well.
Next was the the Philharmonic Orchestra with the advanced orchestra class. This class was brilliant and featured several solos from featured violinists and cellists. A favorite was ‘Sinfonia XI’ by Mendelssohn. The applause was magnificent and some proud parents were even moved to tears. Other songs included ‘Overture to the Wind’ by Kurt Mosier. Maggie Shaw enjoyed the performance. “It was great. My mom was almost crying,” she said.
Overall, both performances were great, and Mr. Hagburg, the orchestral conductor, was very proud.
If anyone has any pictures of the performances, they are encouraged to submit them to the MHS Trail Newspaper.