Run to the Runway

Marketing students organize McIntosh’s first fashion show fundraiser Dec. 9


Lulu Vitulo, Managing Editor

For the first time in McIntosh’s 41-year history, a student-organized fashion show, will take place in the auditorium on Thursday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. The theme is “Winter Wonderland,” and will feature several student models for businesses like Sephora, Lizard Thicket, Lululemon, Smith & Davis, and High Country Outfitters.

The entire event is coordinated by Aida Coullias and her business students in the marketing pathway.

“They’re the ones who have set up all of these fittings, and worked on how to communicate with businesses by writing business letters and emailing,” Coullias said.

Tickets are $10 and proceeds will go toward start-up capital for a school store, Coullias said.

Coullias says she had tried out the idea at a former school, and wanted to bring the experience to McIntosh.

“It was really cool because we were able to connect the community with the students and I thought that was something that was really important to be doing out in the world of retail,” Coullias said.

Tickets can be purchased through MySchoolBucks.