The Trail welcomes MHS “Back to Mac” with first-ever back-to-school magazine


Shanon Woolf. adviser

This is the first-ever magazine-style edition of the McIntosh Trail.

“The staff created this [magazine] to be a tool for new and returning students so I hope every student learns something but also maybe gets involved with certain clubs or teams because of something we wrote. I want the freshmen to feel a little better about school and join a club, a sophomore to learn more about the new head football coach, have the student body get important MHS Homecoming information, and a senior to feel good about going off to college having done what they wanted in high school. We ended up making it our final exam from last school year and the editors, along with our adviser, worked over the summer to lay out and finish it. A huge thank you goes out to the PTSO who partnered with us.” — Trail Editor-in-Chief Rebekah Bushmire (11)


Click here to read vol 38, issue 1 of the McIntosh Trail: Back to Mac.