Kamala Harris: First Black Vice President

We’ve opened up the new year with history almost immediately being made. On January 20th, Inauguration Day, California senator Kamala Harris (pronounced: Comma-la) inspired millions by walking across the stage and swearing the oath into office as the first Black as well as first Asian Vice President. In earlier times of our government system, the vice-presidency was a role that was mocked and made fun of. But as our country evolved, it’s now a highly respected and important role for our nation. The role of Vice President of the United States is thought of as being “a heartbeat away” from the presidency due to the amount of collaboration both the president and the vice-president have to undergo with one another. On top of being a person of color, Kamala Harris is also the first woman to be given this power, which means she has the ability to show hundreds of thousands of girls not only in the United States, but all over the world, that they, too can rise into power, have their ideas heard, and show the growth and progress of our nation today. So, watch out, America! This isn’t a white man’s world anymore.
There has been a lot of emphasis and chatter on Kamala Harris’ role as the first Black Vice President, and rightfully so. For too long, our nation’s government has been built by white men in order to service white men, but with Harris as our nation’s VP, those of us who are greatly inspired by her can hope for more change and more representation in not only our government, but in our country as a whole. When talking to junior Morgan Green, who is also the Vice-President of McIntosh’s Black Student Union, she was beaming brightly at the thought of growth in the nation. “It really is groundbreaking,” she says, eyes gleaming with pride. “I honestly feel like it’s such a huge step and day by day we’re just making history. We, as a country, are going through growth.” Senior Elizabeth Wilson chimed in as well, saying: “I think it’s really cool that she’s the first Black woman as our Vice President.” Showing that Kamala Harris’ history-making doesn’t only excite those of the Black community, but also those who are women or female aligning.
Seeing people who look like you, whether it be in movies, TV shows, 24/7 news centers, or in the government can make you feel like your point of view and opinions will be heard or seen. Representation is important. It could help open eyes to other possibilities or other methods that maybe weren’t considered before then. Many show feelings of optimism and hold out hope for change to be enforced with Harris as the President’s right-hand woman. Our country has made it through the end of an error and is beginning a journey of highly-anticipated change for our nation.