PSAT Test Day Update

Jan 25, 2021
Freshman, sophomores and juniors who signed up for the PSAT are scheduled to take it on Jan. 26. An email was sent out to all students regarding the schedule for the testing day and some instructions for students taking the test.
“PSAT day is upon us. Tomorrow, January 26, 2021. The test will begin at 8:35 (please arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 and report directly to your test location) and will be over between 1:00-1:30. 9th Grade brick and mortar students will remain on campus. Virtual students taking the test will leave after the testing session. 11th grader students will leave after the testing session. Registration for the PSAT is closed,” said Assistant Principal Daniel Lakly in the email.
The following details were released about students’ lunch.
“After testing is complete, students will have a lunch period.
9th grade will be from approximately 1:00-1:30
10th and 11th will be from approximately 1:35-2:05,” said Lakly.
For the remainder of the day after the test has been completed the email said that students will, “return to the room where they tested to complete asynchronous activities in Schoology.”
More information can be found in the Chiefs Connection.