How Stores are Reacting to COVID-19

Mar 24, 2020
Now that the novel COVID-19 virus has spread to all U.S states, stores all over the country have been affected by the general population’s reactions to the virus, while also altering their policies to reduce the risk of the virus.
Stores all over the country are taking new precautions to help decrease the risk of COVID-19 to the general public. Large grocery store chains like Walmart, Kroger, and Publix have cut back on their hours open to the general public to decrease the buying frenzy and to disinfect their stores.
These grocery store chains also have to cope with the empty shelves that they continue experiencing, as many household necessities like toilet paper and bread are no longer in stock.
“I haven’t been to the store in a while, but we have to order our tissues on amazon now,” said sophomore Lauren Marland. “All the empty shelves in stores are just scary to me.”
As of right now, according to the FDA, there have been no food shortages so far, even after the virus has caused people to stock up on household items. The demand for certain items has certainly gone up, but there is not enough evidence to support a food shortage in grocery stores across the country.
There is, however, no doubt that some stores are doing their best to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to their customers.
Shops like Starbucks have also closed down their seating areas and are only allowing carryout orders.
Some stores like Target and Dollar General are even setting specific times during the day/week for senior citizens, who are at a higher risk of developing a more severe case of COVID-19, to shop to help reduce their exposure to the virus.