Seniors Celebrate Their Last Week of High School

Seniors participate in senior week by dressing up as senior citizens on Tuesday.

Alissa Dannehl

Seniors participate in senior week by dressing up as senior citizens on Tuesday.

Alissa Dannehl and Lexie Holder

For the past few years, senior week has been a tradition passed down to each generation of seniors. It is the last week of high school for seniors and to celebrate, each day they dress up to a new theme.

“I’ve seen the seniors of past years dress up and celebrate their final days of high school,” said senior Grace Waddell. “I’ve been planning my outfits since Milestone week, and I’m excited to participate in the traditions.” Waddell has opted to follow the previous tradition of dressing like a kindergartener on Monday, a senior citizen on Tuesday, wearing their college shirts on Wednesday, and finishing the year with senior shirts on Thursday.

“I would love to participate, but I’m only going to school for Monday and Tuesday because of exams,” said Ammar Boube about senior week. “The idea is really cool, and I can’t wait to see everyone do it.” Senior week for the past couple of years has been interrupted by AP testing, so fewer seniors are able to participate as they are not allowed on campus.

Administration tried to implement new dress up themes: Monday is to celebrate your past, Tuesday is to celebrate your present, Wednesday is to celebrate your future, and Thursday is to dress for success. For some seniors, the new dress up days were confusing. Senior Ana Hall didn’t know whether to follow the new days or the old ones, so she has opted to follow both. On Monday, the new theme is to dress up as something that celebrates your past by wearing a shirt from elementary school. Hall wore a Kedron Knights t-shirt, but on Tuesday, she dressed as a senior citizen. “While I love the old dress up days, I also like to appease administration so deciding what to wear each day has been stressful,” said Hall. “Ultimately, I decided to just dress with what I have in my closet.”

Although most seniors are following the old tradition, they are happy with administration trying to keep traditions as they are doing away with stickering and the shaving cream war, which were both long-standing traditions for McIntosh seniors.