The End of the Year Means Yearbooks are Here!
May 14, 2019
As the year is coming to a close end, the Legend staff has been working on the adding some additional pages to the yearbook, as well as working on a theme reveal video for the morning announcements.
The Legend staff has been working on finishing up their supplement pages. The supplement is what goes in the book after the book is submitted for printing. They do these pages so they can include more end of the year activities and more score for sports. The supplement is a set of eight pages that will be glued to the back of the yearbook since the book is due to be printed in March, there is a lot that the yearbook cannot cover such as Prom, Spring Gala, and other school events. “The supplement allowed us to include Prom for the first time since the 1980s and Spring Gala for the first time, as well as finish win/loss records for some spring sports,” said junior Jaylen Smith.
The past couple of weeks, junior Melinda Sturbaum worked on a video to reveal the yearbook theme. “For me specifically, I’ve been working on a theme reveal video to show the whole school,” said Sturbaum. The theme for this year’s yearbook is how students at McIntosh are meant to “Stand Out.”
This past week the staff has been going through and organizing the distribution tickets to hand out to the student body who purchased a yearbook. Distribution tickets will be handed out during first period. On Wednesday, May 8, students who purchased a yearbook will get a ticket. Students who don’t get a ticket didn’t purchase a yearbook. The only expected copies are the 900 yearbooks that were purchased. However, there is a waiting list in room 115. Distribution will take place during all three lunches. Seniors and juniors can pick up their yearbook on Monday, May 13. Freshman and sophomores can pick up their books on May 14. May 15 is the last day of yearbook pick up during all three lunches. If you are unable to get your book during lunch, yearbooks can be picked up after school in room 115 from 3:50 until 4:15 on May 13, 14, and 15.