Juniors join Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society

Greg Whittle

The new Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society inductees and officers pose alongside their sponsor, math teacher Linda Koroma.

Connor Whittle, Page Editor

Several juniors were inducted into the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society for math on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Students were admitted based on their grades and the rigor of their previous math classes. In the club, students will meet and discuss interesting math equations and how math is useful in everyday situations. Math teacher Ms. Linda Koroma is the sponsor for the club. Seniors Julie Lim and Ben Lashley and juniors John McCauley and Jiaxing Liu are the officers for the honor society.

Junior Kevin Liow said, “I have always been one of very few people that was good at doing math, but with Mu Alpha Theta, I am now part of a group of other students who share my ability. I look forward to being able to discuss math with a group of people that shares my understanding.”