Supreme Court considers searching phones without warrants

According to Fox News, the Supreme Court has recently been considering whether police can or cannot search the phones of people they arrest without a warrant first.  This is a touchy subject noting that the country is just coming off of the Edward Snowden leaks in which the NSA “secretly” collected information from Americans.

While some people support the searching of these people’s phones, others oppose the idea, believing that if there is no warrant against them, the government really has no right to search their phones.

Those in favor argue that when police officers are making an arrest, they are allowed to empty the suspect’s pockets to collect valuable evidence, and searching a phone is a similar strategy.

Either way, this decision will be an interesting case for the citizens of America as according to the Pew Research Center, over 90 percent of American citizens own a cellphone.

Freshman Beren Garner said, “The Supreme court should search the phones of these people noting that it can lead to finding new and valuable evidence.”