Pistorius pleads not guilty

MHS students may recall many years ago the intense trial of O.J Simpson when he was charged for murdering his ex-wife. A similar situation  is occurring in South Africa at the moment.

Oscar Pistorius has won multiple Paralympic  gold medals and was the first double-amputee runner to compete in the Olympics. According to CNN, Pistorius pleaded not guilty for shooting his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, and he said he thought she was an intruder. Pistorius woke up in the middle of the night and heard noises coming from the bathroom; he said that he reached for his gun and stared shooting through the door. CNN reports that witnesses say they heard a woman’s scream of terror come from his house shortly before the incident.

Today is the fifth day of the intense trail. Many MHS students are anxious to find out what the court decides. What do you think? Respond in the comment section below.