Ms. Sisk earns “2014 Teacher of the Year” title

Mrs. Sisk, along with her husband and three children, pose for a picture. Photo courtsey of Mrs. Sisk.

“I love teaching and cannot imagine ever doing anything else,” said Ms. Stephanie Sisk, who recently earned the title of “2014 Teacher of the Year” at McIntosh High School through nominations and votes from her fellow teachers.

Currently, Mrs. Sisk teaches AP biology and 9th grade biology. “Keeping up with the rigor and challenges of AP biology makes me a better teacher for regular and gifted biology and allows me to expand my content knowledge,” said Mrs. Sisk.  She has a huge passion for the subject of biology and sharing this fascinating subject with others. “I love how easily impressed ninth graders are, and [I enjoy the] college classroom atmosphere in AP Bio.”

Teaching at McIntosh High School since 2002, she says her favorite part of teaching is opening the eyes of students to the world around them and helping them find out what they are passionate about.  Her teaching builds confidence in students and helps them find their true talents. Junior Cara Cook, one of Ms. Sisk’s AP biology students, said, “Ms. Sisk is one of the most positive, enthusiastic and understanding teachers I’ve had. She’s always willing to help, even when being incredibly busy with 3 kids and a puppy.”

With much experience in field biology, specifically wildlife biology, Ms. Sisk comes from an interesting and unique background. During college, she got the opportunity to trap alligators, tag bats and similar activities. Ms. Sisk said, “A pivotal moment for me was a study abroad experience in college when I spent a month in Kenya studying biology.”

Her passion for science is evident as soon as her students walk into the room. Cara said, “She is so passionate, and truly loves teaching.”

With three kids under the age of 8, there is no doubt that Mrs. Sisk has her hands full. She has three children: 8-year old Kade, 7-year old Lark and tiny 2-year old Tucker. “We like to hike, backpack and camp, be outside, and when I get a moment to myself I am reading.” she said.

 With her unmistakable, fiery spirit for biology, students would agree that Ms. Sisk deserves the title of “McIntosh’s 2014 Teacher of the Year.” Junior Jeanne McCulloch sums it up simply when she said, “She’s fabulous.”