Government shut down ends

This comic expresses views on the governments recent shut down.

Nate Beeler

This comic expresses views on the governments recent shut down.

The U.S. Government shutdown officially started on Tuesday, October 1. The government shutdown occurred because Democrats and Republicans disagreed on a federal budget. As a result of the shutdown, “non-essential” government agencies have furloughed government employees. Due to these furloughs, most federal agencies have shut down their consumer websites and no longer perform many of the agencies’ functions. Examples of this include national parks being closed, the IRS stopping work, federal home loans being delayed and the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta temporarily shutting down operations. Essential government employees, such as the active duty military and the Department of Homeland Security, continue to operate as normal.  It’s unclear how long this shutdown will last. Democrats and Republicans continue to work to find a solution.  Ms. Edenfield  shares her opinion on the topic and  said, “I find the current governmental situation very frustrating.  I truly want our elected leaders to find a way to work together.  Our system is based on compromise and consensus.  It is time for both groups to get back to the basics and do what is best for the country”. An agreement was finally reached on October 17.