The McIntosh Yearbook staff has worked all year to produce volume 43 titled “It Takes.” Distribution will begin the week of May 13.
Yearbook distribution tickets will be given to fourth period teachers to give to buyers. Students will have to have that distribution ticket to confirm they have purchased a yearbook when they come to pick it up.
Distribute will be in room 125 in the english hall by grade level during all four lunch periods beginning Monday, May 13:
- Monday, May 13 All four lunches, room 125: SENIORS ONLY
- Tuesday, May 14 All four lunches, room 125: JUNIORS ONLY
- Wednesday, May 15 All four lunches, room 125: SOPHOMORES ONLY
- Thursday, May 16 All four lunches, room 125: FRESHMEN ONLY
Distribute to ALL STUDENTS AFTER SCHOOL will be the week of Monday, May 13 through Thursday, May 16 in room 125 from 3:45 PM to 4:15 PM. Any grade level may get their book afterschool.
Yearbooks will NOT be distributed at any other time during the school day.
Students who have moved away: their parents need to email [email protected] to make arrangements to get their student their yearbook.
There are few yearbooks left for purchase; yearbooks can be purchased by bringing cash or check made out to McIntosh High School for $125 to room 125 until books are sold out.
“Distribution is an extremely exciting time for both the yearbook staff and the school but it can also be one of the worst times for the yearbook staff. People aren’t always the kindest and words can hurt, so while most of the feedback and reactions from the student body are positive and supportive, sometimes we get a negative response and that effects us more than you think. We spend all year working on this book and that includes late nights, tears and so much stress so please remember during distribution time to be kind to the yearbook staff. I can’t speak for all of us, but I know that I am nervous for the response from students and I am always anxious for reactions. Please be kind to us and be supportive during the process and remember that this is exciting and fun, not the end all be all,” senior Managing Editor Rebekah Bushmire said.