Under the leadership of student editors, the 2022-2023 McIntosh Legend Yearbook staff were awarded 23 individual awards and a Superior rating overall in the Georgia Scholastic Press Association’s General Excellence and Individual Award Competition.
“We worked really hard on the book last year and it was great to see all of our hard work get rewarded after waiting a whole year. I love to getting to see everyone’s reactions to winning awards. I was really anxious before they started because there were some spreads pictures and stories that I really hoped would win and it made me so so happy to see some very well deserved wins. I was especially happy that we got All-Georgia for Theme Development. I am looking forward to making some new memories and letting our staff use their creativity to continue to be successful,” junior Editor-in-Chief Ava Flores said.

The McIntosh Legend is a student-run publication with 23 students varying from freshmen to seniors on staff creating the yearbook.
“The thing I like most about awards is the pride I see in the staff’s eyes as they watch their name, or their friends names, appear on the screen. Their work is being recognized and I love seeing them get awards because our reassurance can only go so far. Winning awards helps show them just how amazing they really are because I am always astonished at the capabilities of these staffers. I know that being awarded helps show rookies that our program is award-winning and they can be that winner. It pumps up the rookies with energy and it reassures the veterans that they can get through this and produce more award winning work. I couldn’t be prouder,” senior Managing Editor Rebekah Bushmire said.
The gallery below represents the All-Georgia awards the Legend Staff received.
Junior Legend Photography Editor Caroline Franklin won multiple awards.
“Overall, I did pretty good. I got three All-Georgia’s and two Superiors. I’m so happy we swept the competition and received a Superior for the book overall. Everyone worked really hard so I’m glad our work is reflected into our awards. I think it means a lot to the staff. They work so hard and deserve recognition for all their hard work,” Franklin said.
The gallery below represents the Superior awards the Legend Staff received.
Junior Underclassmen Editor Leland Hawkins was awarded for Health Reporting.
“The All-Georgia I did get was my actual writing and that is the real award I feel proud of. Photography and writing both take a huge amount of skill to perfect and are extremely influential on the feel of the whole book itself. [Winning awards] means a lot to us. One of our veteran staffers that usually cheers a lot during the awards showcase was losing it over how many awards we were getting. And that’s something that is very heartwarming to me, and probably the staff as well,” Hawkins said.
Editor’s Note: Students with an interest in leadership, project management, social media, writing, photography, digital art, graphic design and marketing can reach out to Legend Adviser Shanon Woolf via email at [email protected] to find out more about joining the Legend staff for the 2024-2025 school year.