Senior Legacy: Morgan Green
Morgan Green, a senior staff writer for the McIntosh Trail.
May 11, 2022
How have you made McIntosh a better place, what was your contribution to the campus?
“I feel like my positive energy definitely has contributed to McIntosh. Now it can be very stressful at times with extracurriculars and academics; so, just being optimistic about it all helps people.”
How have you made the Trail a better program, what was your contribution to the publication?
“I feel like I made the trail a better program by inserting sports related news. You know, keeping up with the chiefettes and being a part of the dance team and kind of just making sure that our publication is more diverse and more inclusive with different sports all around and as well as creating opinion pieces and giving feedback and lightening up the mood by inserting podcast that is relatable to all crowds.”
What college do you plan on attending?
“I plan on going to Tennessee State University in Nashville.”
What will you be studying?
“I’m going to be majoring in biology.”
If you have plans other than college, what are they?
“I want to become a child psychiatrist and go into the medical field and just travel travel travel around the world and be rich.”
What are some words of wisdom that you have for returning staffers or newcomers to the Trail?
“I would say that deadlines are very important, that timeliness is very important to the Trail. Making sure that everything is on time and related to current events, and keeping the people informed with updated news is very important to our publication. And also social media posts are very important.”