UNICEF x Unbound: Families Helping Families


Photo credit: Creative Commons

Yunju Lee, Managing Editor/Features Editor

McIntosh’s chapter of UNICEF partnered with Unbound, a nonprofit sponsorship organization, to support children and families in developing countries.

The program was first introduced by senior Luis Salked and junior Daniel Salked. Luis, Daniel and senior Diamond Nguyen are working together to advertise and fundraise for the program through their Instagram account (@mcintoshunicef).

“I first heard of Unbound at my church and when my family decided to sponsor a kid from Guatemala,” said Luis. “From there I had known of Unbound and saw the possibilities it had. I decided that they were a good organization with a good idea.”

Unbound was founded to help lower-income families in developing countries, especially the children, by connecting families all around the world together.

“[Unbound] is internationally based and its focus is to help children overseas in afflicted areas,” said Nguyen.
Families can choose to help through two ways. One way is to donate money directly to a general fund, which is usually used for educational purposes.

“The educational fund focuses on the children’s expenses on tuition, books and school uniforms so students can stay in school instead of facing the dilemma of choosing their own futures or helping to provide for their families,” said Nguyen.

The other way McIntosh families can help is by sponsoring a child. By doing so, the donations go directly to the child and his family.
“Specific child sponsorship is great because benefactors know exactly where their money is going towards, and the goals are set by families themselves,” said Nguyen.

Families can donate and look through profiles of children on McIntosh’s page for Unbound. Their goal is to reach $2,500 by the end of the school year.

UNICEF is promoting the program through their Instagram account. They have profiles of some of the children families can choose to sponsor, and are planning to have activities to gather support starting next semester.

“We have a couple of giveaways planned, also a raffle,” said Nguyen. “A giveaway is in the works right now, a raffle would be one dollar [or more] towards our educational fund. We’re also planning to reach out to some businesses in the community.”