2015-2016 Homecoming court queen and king announced
Oct 14, 2015
Senior Alex Pinckney is the 2015 Homecoming queen. Alex said that her favorite part of Homecoming is the Homecoming court. She said, “I really like dressing up and seeing everyone dressed up.” About hearing her name called, she said, “I had already predicted the winner in my head, so I really didn’t hear my name at first. I think I blacked out as I was walking to get the crown. It was definitely an experience I won’t forget. A few minutes after I got off the field, my friends just tackled me with hugs.”
Senior Maalik Nixon is the 2015 Homecoming king. When Maalik was asked what his favorite part of Homecoming, he said it was “getting a chance to see all of [his] friends get dressed up. It allows people to be their self.” When asked about how it felt to be standing on the field and waiting for the winners’ names to be announced, Maalik said, “It was extremely nerve racking. There is like a three second pause before they announce the winners, and your stomach just drops. If they say your name or not, it’s like a relief off of your shoulders. ” About hearing his name, Maalik said,” It was a mixed feeling of being surprised and happy. I though to myself ‘wow, they said my name!’ I felt grateful for the people that voted for me. I was honored that people thought of me.”