PALS club raises awareness with “R-Word Campaign”

Becca Price

Posters help raise awareness about derogatory terms regarding disabilities.

Becca Price, Staff writer

PALS members create and hang up posters in the hallway for Disability Awareness Month.
Becca Price
PALS members create and hang up posters in the hallway for Disability Awareness Month.

The MHS PALS club (an acronym for “Peers Are Linking Students”) is a club in which many students participate. PALS is known for helping out with the Special Olympics every year and for working with students who have any type of disability.

Recently, the club has started to raise awareness with their “R-Word Campaign.” Students are encouraged to sign one of the certificates that says they will refrain from using the derogatory word “retarded” in any way. It is usually used to substitute for words like “stupid” or “idiot,” yet the term offends those that have disabilities, along with their families and friends.

Senior Rachel Massingill, a PALS member, said “I think this is a good idea. Derogatory terms and names are uncalled for, especially towards other students.”

Students may also sign the paper that is on the windows outside of the senior cafeteria to pledge their support and respect for disabled MHS students.

Senior Justin Brown said, “I signed the paper the first day. It’s important to show support for everyone.”