Veritas Prep app expands SAT vocabulary


Tarna Zander-Velloso

Screenshot of a sample of vocabulary words practiced on the Veritas Prep application.

For students aiming to take the SAT on May 3, in June, in the coming fall or anytime in the future, it is never too late or too early to practice. Learning vocabulary for the test and for life is a vital tool that is best practiced over time. Test booklets, personal flashcards and dictionaries can help, but applications that steadily build one’s vocabulary through games can be effective as well as fun.

Veritas Prep’s SAT vocabulary application from the AppStore does just that. For a free app, it holds plenty of benefits. Users can spend just a few minutes a day learning a couple of words each day. The app keeps users reviewing old words by presenting them in daily games at random. Always keeping users on their toes, the app makes them learn and recall words through fill in the blanks, multiple choice, sentence examples, straight definitions and much more. Variety in the forms of games and time given to complete each task helps students remember vocabulary words by associating them with meanings, not just plain memorization.

The AppStore contains a plethora of tools for SAT preparation, so all one has to do is look for them and apply them to a daily study routine. Apps are especially useful as they are always in reach on a mobile device whenever one wants to practice.