Senior Superlative special: Sue Liang, Most Likely to Succeed

Sue’s campaign poster touting one of her many talents: solving problems. (Poster designed by Monica Jamison.)

Continuing our look deeper into the lives and achievements of the MHS’s senior superlatives, today we look at Sue Liang, voted “Most Likely to Succeed.”

A brief look at Sue’s resume makes it very clear why she was voted “Most Likely to Succeed.” Sue is currently number 4 in her class and boosts above a 4.0 GPA. She has received over 11 awards and honors including Governor’s Honor Program, National Merit Semifinalist, and the UGA Honor Award.  She is also a member of 8 clubs and holds leadership positions in 5. She is the President of National Honor Society and National English Society, and she founded the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society Chapter at MHS.

However, there is more to Sue than just her impressive course load, list of achievements and clubs. Sue is an active community member and regular volunteers at the Peachtree City library. In school, she is both an organizer and tutor in math for the Peer Tutor Program.

Knowing Sue outside of a paper resume also shows how interesting she is. Sue is a lover of philosophy and organizes discussions at Starbucks every two weeks. Ms. Shery Kearney, one of Sue’s favorite teachers, said of Sue, “She is like a comma because she is never an end stop. She is constantly connecting ideas, and I think that’s what she will do in college and the workplace.”

Sue’s aspirations represent her passion for connecting ideas. Sue strives to be a neurosurgeon with a background in computer science and artificial intelligence.