Many students strain their eyes and their thin attention spans the night before an important test. They bestrew papers across their bedrooms. Trying to concentrate, their eyes slip to the popcorn ceiling to count the dots. They try to find something to make them concentrate, but nothing works. Perhaps a little music will help them concentrate. For many others, that does the trick. However, all the music they own is too catchy or too flamboyant to push their studying along. Where can they find music to fit their needs? may provide their musical needs for studying and perhaps any other occasion.
Songza is a site that offers pre-made playlists to listeners depending on what they want to hear. Users can choose playlists based off their mood, what day it is, and various other reasons. Each playlist is curated by experts with the help of registered members. The home page displays different playlists depending on the day and time of day. Users looking for a wider variety of playlist options will find them in the “Browse All” section.
The “Browse All” section offers different tabs for different experiences. Want a playlist for studying? Click the “Activities” tab and stumble upon the options for “Working/Studying (With Lyrics)” or “Working/Studying (Without Lyrics).” Feeling a bit down? Find the needed music under the “Mood” tab and tap the “Gloomy” option.
The “Music Concierge” section displays playlists based on the day of the week and the time of day. For example, on a Friday night, one of the offered playlists may be “A Sweaty Dance Party.”
Registered site members can have playlists suggested to them based off of their previously listened to playlists. They can also contribute to the expert building of a playlists for listeners
An app for the site is available for Andriod, Apple, and numerous other device brands
Those who are in search for some music to fit their mood or desires may find what they need in the website and app, Songza.