Sometimes writers and artists need to find an understanding audience for their work. What if a blooming writer’s friends are not into the dark humor embedded in his literature? What if a blooming cartoonist’s friends just are not that into anime or animation? Where can these people find an interested venue to showcase their work?
DeviantART provides artists and writers of every sort with an audience. Users can easily upload their work for all to view. They can even copyright it for free.
Feedback on the site is not guaranteed unless a user joins a group. A group is a community on the site dedicated to specific interests or qualities of a user. There are thousands of groups a user can join and submit work to. There is no limitation. However, users may want to be conscious of how many groups they can actively participate in and contribute to.
An artist or writer can also browse through the millions of deviantART submissions. Commenting on another’s work is a recommended way to build up attention for oneself. The more people a user gives a critique or comment to, the more people the user exposes his or herself to – within or outside of a group.
The DeviantART staff prides itself in keeping users involved with the site’s continuing improvement. The site organizers notify users of updates and ask users for critique and suggestions. Users can contact directly the creators of the site to complain or compliment.
Perks to the site include the numerous contests held for writers and artists, online painting program and t-shirts and gear based of users artwork submissions.
Writers and artists of any age or frame of thought can join deviantART. So if someone is looking for an audience for their work, deviantART may be the site for him or her.