Some students have a hard time finding someone who have the same interests as they do. They find that their friends do not share the same passion for politics as they do. Perhaps they find that their friends do not care about celebrity gossip as much as they do. Where can students find a place to unleash their thoughts about practically anything? was started in 2004. The intentions of the site is in the name. It is a gathering place for people discuss practically anything. All anyone has to do to become a part of the site is sign up and follow the given steps. The more someone posts, the more points he or she gains. A large amount of points usually is the sign that someone is a longtime member or just likes to discuss. The site rules and regulations are listed on the “Terms of Service” page.
Site members vary. Some are nice. Others are argumentative. Discussions on the site often are very involved, especially in the news and political sections. People who use the site have to be on their toes. They have to know what they are talking about or they could be easily cut down to size.
Other features include messaging, member journals (a place for members to type up their random thoughts), and member profiles.
Anyone who is up for deep discussions about subjects he or she cares about, may be the site for him or her. Sometimes friends are not interested in the all the same subjects their friends are interested in, so this site may help with that dilemma.