My hottake on this week’s hashtags? I want the rest of my life to feel just like a… high… school… mu- si- cal. Graduation season is in session and the fact that this is the last Hashtags I will be publishing for the Trail, which has been a constant in my life for the past two years and Hashtags has become such a safe place for me. I have immense gratitude for the people who’ve helped me these last four years and who’ve motivated me non-stop. The Trail has made me way more of a confident person than I originally started off and the staff and my adviser changed my life for the better.
Anyways, to change the subject off the waterworks before I start sobbing, Justin and Hailey Bieber are having a baby. Baby, baby, baby, oh. Like my 7-year-old Belieber heart is about to crash out cause young me truly beliebed *wink* that he was my man my man my man. But I’m so happy because seeing child stars have kids always gives full circle moment for me. When I originally saw Hailey’s Instagram post, I liked and swiped right past it without really looking at what it was but then later it was all over the internet and I was like oop! Six months is wild like she was definitely channeling Kylie Jenner energy.
Speaking of energy, let’s talk about how these brave co
llege students have been protesting in support of Palestine and related to other Israel-Hamas protests around the world. University protests increased following the Columbia University students having an encampment of tents on the campus, urging the university to divert from Israel. They ate; along with the students who are using their graduation to stand with Palestine. They are making such a big impact and doing the best thing which is standing up for humanity. One thing that really stood out to me was UIC student’s speech at graduation where she said “I urge you all to acknowledge the class of 2024 of Gaza that no longer exists.” I’m gonna leave that powerful statement with you.
Now follow this: Please cherish every moment whether you like your school or not, whether you like your own company over others, cherish every moment because I thought they were lying but they were right. Life can pass you by and while I was ready for the end, I wasn’t ready for the end of an era. You’ll remember those people who made an impact on you and those moments that changed out. Some people you’ll see soon and some you’ll never see again. *Sighhh not my crying* But with that I say have the best time of your life and make some amazing memories to look back on. Goodbye, for now because this professional yapper has reached her word limit.