Sophmore Ngozi Chuckwueke once again breaks Mr. Yarbrough’s 1st period class’ streak

Ngozi grins as she poses with her second ever win from the Chick-fil-a "C" contest.

Sierra Williams

Ngozi grins as she poses with her second ever win from the Chick-fil-a “C” contest.

Sophomore  Ngozi Chuckwueke disrupts Mr. Yarbrough’s first period class’ winning streak.

This semester, the prediction for the who would win the Chick-fil-a remained the same.Mr. Yarbrough’s first period class was expected to continue to their winning streak and John Hamlin’s win helped give further weight to the prediction.

However, another contender swooped in to disrupt their winning streak early into this semester. Not one, but two people reported their finding of the Chick-fil-a “C” and both are non-member’s of Mr. Yarbrough’s  first period class. Because their comments were just minutes apart, who won the free sandwich coupon came down to time stamp on each comment. Ngozi edged out her competitor by just six minutes.

With two wins under her belt, Ngozi could eventually join the triple-winner club.  However,  someone new can always  come in to win the coupon. Mr. Yarbrough’s class may have some more competition for the crown in the weeks ways ahead.

Students who want to become the next winner of a free Chick-fil-a sandwich coupon may search through the articles on this site, find the “C” and comment with their name and first period.