John Hamlin wins the first Chick-fil-a “C” of the semester

John Hamlin poses with the Chick-fil-a free sandwich coupon after waiting nearly a week to receive his prize.

Sierra Williams

John Hamlin poses with the Chick-fil-a free sandwich coupon after waiting nearly a week to receive his prize.

Sophomore John Hamlin helps continue Mr. Yarbrough’s first period class’ winning streak.

After nearly a week of delays, John finally received his Chick-fil-a free sandwich coupon. John’s classmates looked on as he became the fourth individual winner of the Chick-fil-a “C” search from their class (although some individuals in the class won more than once, making the class record of wins higher than four).

For students looking to win a coupon for a free Chick-fil-a sandwich, search through the articles on this site to find the Chick-fil-a “C.” Once a student finds the “C,” he or she must leave a comment on the article that states his or her name, first period and that they found the “C.”