Senior Avery Braxton finds the second Chick-fil-A “C” of the year

Sierra Williams

Senior Avery Braxton happily accepts his free Chick-fil-A coupon.

Senior Avery Braxton finds the hidden Chick-fil-A “C” after students missed the previous week’s “C” that was also hidden in an article posted on the this website.

Each week, a “C” is hidden within an article. The days of which someone hides the “C” varies, keeping readers on their toes while scanning through the articles of our staff writers and editors. Those that find the elusive “C” are rewarded with a free Chick-fil-A sandwich coupon. They also get their picture taken for the website.

Any students desiring a free Chick-fil-A coupon can read, scan and search every week for the location of the Chick-fil-A “C.” Hopefully someone else will soon join Avery as a coupon winner.